It’s a challenging time for organizations and leaders. Terms such as “self-management”, “self-organization” and “Holacracy” fly around our ears. The self-steering movement seems to have reached a critical mass and…
You’re doing well at work. You run 5 projects in parallel and you are a source of knowledge for many. Your mailbox looks more and more like a Facebook timeline;…
Ahhhh, organizational politics. Who doesn’t recognize it? Leading a team often brings challenges. Infighting, power games, lack of accountability, lax attitudes, you name it. But rest assured; these scenes are…
Do you use an effective leadership style that best suits you and your team? In this article you will get an overview of the 10 most common leadership styles and…
2020 will be mentioned in our books as a turbulent year. A year where many companies had to make painful choices, but also where a few flourished. In my opinion,…